Fields of interest
- Social Computing and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): Contextualized services, Recommendation systems, Reuse of collective intelligence, Computer-Supported Creativity ..
- Measure and analysis of Human factor in computer mediated Interactions: Web Mining and statistical modelling (structure of social interactions, sentiments analysis, users' mobility behaviour, etc)
- Psychosocial Sciences: collectives phenomena, influences, motivation, forgetting mechanisms in social interactions, education sciences, etc.
In a few words
The computers based complex systems as Internet take an increasing role in the interactions between individuals. It becomes clear that these systems cannot more be regarded as "cold" media of communication but that their behaviour is largely dependent on the human activity. From this point of view, the goal of our work is not only to study computers systems or the human interactions in a separate way but rather to understand these two naturally inter-dependent environments as a unique complex system. In other words, we wish to investigate what the human factor changes in computers behaviour and what computers changes in the human interactions or practices.
Our interdisciplinary approach has several aims. First of all, the goal is of modelling human-computers complex based systems starting from traces of activity.
Our second objective is to investigate practical modes of exploitation of these human-Computers based models. In particular, we investigate the reuse of phenomena of implicit co-operations within groups. The conjunction of the human activity and the operation of a simple data-processing device make it possible of optimizing services to users (e.g collaborative filtering in recommendation systems). We could say that in same manner that industries benefit from existing energies (wind, sun, etc), we try to exploit the co-operation and the latent collective intelligence in order to solve real technical problems.